May 10, 2010

WooHoo: The Song You Need To Know!

Hey, it's like my grandfather always used to say: It's never too early in the week to hear some sexually explicit, funky club pop featuring working mother of the year Christina Aguilera and hottest femme in the game Nicki Minaj. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you get what I'm saying.

"Woohoo" is the second track we've heard from Xtina's Bionic, after the sultry disco orgy of "Not Myself Tonight." It's like the dirtier cousin of Rihanna's "Rude Boy" or Gwen Stefani's "Hollaback Girl." "Woohoo" doesn't suggest, it doesn't hint; it outright demanding what it wants.

In Nicki Minaj, Aguilera has found the perfect partner for her erotic-pop adventures. Behind Christina's shouty sing-along chorus, Nicki drops the nasty, and together, both girls teach us what a "woohoo" is (ahem ... yeah ... it's ... that) and what one can do with it, if one is so inspired. To find out for yourself, give it a listen.


1 comment:

  1. I really like "Not Myself Tonight" and I love "Lift Me Up," but I hope Bionic is not full of songs like this. This is GARBAGE and it's so beneath Christina.
